Not everything handcrafted has to be expensive! We proudly work closely with a manufacturer just up the road in East Tennessee to source our locally handcrafted mattresses. This not only helps our local economy but also keeps prices affordable for you! When you support a locally owned business that also sources its products locally it’s a huge win for the community. 

Personalized Service

When you purchase an item at a local merchant you get to know them and they get to know you. When it comes to choosing a mattress (a product you spend ⅓ of your life using) it’s crucial that you get that personal service. Without the guidance of a caring expert, you could make a huge mistake that costs you both financially and physically. Online purchasing has its place but it’s not in your best interest to read reviews to guide your mattress purchase. Every person has different needs when it comes to their sleep. Don’t make the mistake of buying your mattress online! 

Try It Before You Buy It

Without a doubt, one of the biggest benefits of shopping local for your new mattress is being able to try it before you buy it. There is absolutely no better way to know what suits you best until you rest on it in the store. Not only that, but as you age your needs may change. Maybe a firm mattress suited you ten years ago but if you just assume that’s what your body needs now you could be making a big mistake. Take advantage of our huge selection to try all the latest technologies, comfort options, and materials to make an informed decision.

6-Month Protection Plan

It can take time to adjust to a new mattress. Your body has to acclimate to the new sleep surface. At the time of purchase, you can add on a six-month protection plan. This allows for flexibility if after a while you find that you just aren’t as comfortable as you’d like. Whether it’s due to your partner’s comfort, a life change, or simply a preference, you have options

Flexible Shopping Options

Get a head start on your shopping experience right now! Fill out our Mattress Prescription. We will read through your answers and narrow down your best options before you even step in the store! With this approach, shopping in person can be as quick as buying online but with the insight of a skilled expert at your side. We will be ready to guide you right to your top choices as soon as you walk in the door. 

Browse our products online anytime or stop by Monday thru Saturday 10am-6pm!