You might think there isn’t much to buying a mattress; after all, you just go to a mattress store in Knoxville and tell the salesperson what size you want and how firm you want it to be, right? Maybe this method might have worked in your parent’s day when the only type of mattress was the coil spring type. But today, the number of choices you have are far more diverse and confusing. Not only can you still buy an innerspring mattress, but there are air inflatable mattresses, memory foam, latex with cooling gel inserts, and of course hybrids that are part memory foam and part latex.

Five Tips to Help When Buying a Mattress

To help make it simpler for you to buy your next mattress when you walk into a Bed’r Mattress store in Knoxville, we have put together these five things you should know.

Size Matters

No one said that just because you have a particular size of mattress now that you have to buy the same size mattress again. Maybe when you had younger kids in the house, you had a king-size mattress for those days when everyone piled into bed to watch the Saturday morning cartoons. Now the kids are all grown up; maybe a smaller mattress might be a better choice, giving you more space in your bedroom.

Never Buy a Mattress You Can’t Test Drive

One of the more significant steps in buying a mattress is taking the time to test drive the mattresses on your list of recommendations. Don’t feel embarrassed; we are used to customers coming into our mattress store in Knoxville and laying down on our display models. In fact, you should be prepared to lay down on the mattress in the same position you normally sleep in for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Move around, try different positions, and get comfortable. If you share your mattress with a partner, bring them with you and test the mattress together.

Choose Your Level of Firmness

Keep in mind that what one mattress manufacturer might consider being “Firm” might be another manufacturer’s “Medium” or “Extra-firm.” You can use these terms as a starting point, but the only way to pick the right mattress is to test drive it as stated in the last tip. This will help ensure you make the right choice and you are happily enjoying a good night’s sleep every night.

Talk About Your Options

With so many different types of mattress (pocketed innerspring, memory foam, latex, etc.) you need to talk to our Sleep Experts about them. Have your salesperson explain the differences between the various types of mattress constructions, along with the pros and cons of each. This will help you make the soundest decision.

What About Trial Periods or Returns?

Since buying a mattress is an expensive undertaking, you need to make sure your decision is the right one. But, what happens if you make the wrong choice? Can you return the mattress for exchange? Do you get a trial period and if so, how long does it last? These are all important questions that need to be answered to ensure you end up with the right mattress. For more tips and information to help you buy your next mattress, visit the Bed’r Mattress store in Knoxville, and let our Sleep Experts help you find the perfect mattress today!